Just launched a book of my cartoons, "Gathara Will Draw For Food". It is now available at leading bookshops in Nairobi and I am working on making it available for online purchase. It retails for Kshs. 800/- and part of the proceeds will be donated to the Red Cross to help with famine relief efforts.
That is why I have not posted any new cartoons in a while but normal service will resume soon. Thanks to all my readers for your continued support.
Great stuff! Looking forward to getting me a copy...and will tell the whole wide sordid world about it too...
Mr. Gathara. We are looking for contributors for a soon to be open online community - mkutano.com. Columnists and Cartoonists can have a Commentary and illustration platform with a goal of engaging Kenyans in an over-arching conversation. If interested, contact me: dennisbundi {at} gmail.com.
This is a very noble cause---I hope that someday I can also do something similar...
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please Mr Gathaara. weka hii kitabu Amazon tuweze kuipata mtandao-ni...Please?
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